Browser stats, Chrome has overtaken IE
According to the latest Browser stats, Chrome has overtaken Internet explorer (5+ I assume) as the most popular browser in the world, ending Internet Explorers 13 year domination of the market.

Wordlwide browser stats
- Chrome 33.81%
- Firefox 23.73%
- Internet Explorer 32.02%
- Opera 1.72%
- Safari 8.12%
First I’d like to say you always have to be a little sceptic when it comes to news of global browser trends, but, according to StatCounter’s Global Stats Chrome appears to have surpased Internet Explorer. And that will finally end the 13 year domination of the market by Internet Explorer.
Unfortunately this is not yet the case in the UK
- Chrome 29.6%
- Firefox 18.9%
- Internet Explorer 36.53%
- Opera 0.88%
- Safari 12.89%
Internet Explorer 6
While we are on the subject of browsers, it nice to note that Microsoft’s efforts to raise awareness about IE6 has worked, and we are at the time of writing this down to 6% worldwide but 60% of them are outdated systems in China. So please hug a china man and ask them to upgrade. I’ll make sure I give Dennis (our local china man) in the office a nudge.
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