
This is a web design blog where we publish posts, articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.

The team at Active Webdezign is dedicated to provide useful, inspiring and innovative content that is free of charge and perhaps most importantly of all, easy to understand.

What started as an inexperienced blog became an exciting playground for sharing the passion for web design and web development with our customers and fellow web designers.

explorer Internet Explorer has stopped working
This has got to be one of the best Internet Explorer meme I’ve seen in a while, and it feels very apt this afternoon. Transcript: “Internet Explorer has stopped working” Amusing image of Milton from the movie Officespace False! That would mean that internet explorer was working to begin with. Stress (IE) reduction DIY kit YES, we are having one of those days. Feel free to vent your frustration and feelings about IE in the comments.
zenith Free ecommerce template using HTML5 and CSS3 animations
Christmas is over but I thought we at web design company London, would give away a little something even though it is mid January. I’ve created an Ecommerce website design template in HTML5 and implemented quite a few CSS3 animations. Included is both the original CSS and an un-minified version, the PSD that creates the sprite. It includes 6 web templates, homepage, product grid, main product view, view basket, login, shipping information. Feel free to browse the online demos: For now there is only support for IE8 and up. I might revisit this and...
form Form CSS Free download
You know how you see all these great looking sleek UIs on websites giving away free PSDs. But how many people do actually sit down and create a form in CSS that actually looks like that? So I decided, why not instead of giving away a free PSD we give away the free form CSS itself. All the CSS and graphics you will need to build your own forms. CSS for free form includes The sprite PSD (layered file) is included in the zip if you want to make changes. I might...
developer We are looking for a senior web developer in London
Senior web developer in London In-house Overview We are looking for a motivated senior web developer to join our team. You will be working in a small team where you will get the opportunity to contribute beyond the boundaries of your role. The company We are Active Webdezign, an award winning north London agency embedded into the beautiful surroundings of Woodside Park. We are a fun team of three (including you) highly motivated individuals that love coffee and get things done. We have a relaxed working atmosphere where every member’s opinion...
css3 Round navigation with overlapping CSS3 animations
I had some time to kill on friday afternoon so I decided to try if I could make a round navigation that overlaps the neighbouring menu items. I remember seeing it done with z-index and transparent png’s in the past, but it wasn’t a solution we give clients in a content management system. Adding more z-indexes to new menu items would be far to complicated. Sure, we could probably add some server side code or even javascript to make a dynamic class, but I thought to myself surely there must...
steve jobs Steve Jobs RIP
It has been a difficult year for all of us as it is, and to top it all up Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple Macintosh computers and our hero of tech has this week passed away. Even one of our newest top of the range iMacs died yesterday as if it was coming out in sympathy from the departing of its great creator. A recent email sent directly to Steve Jobs by myself was not replied to and had already raised my suspicions that there was something terribly wrong....

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    There is no shortage of web design agencies in London, so why Active Webdezign Ltd? What can we bring to your web design project that we believe our competitors can’t match? The following are our pledges to you, and the reasons we believe that we make the ideal development partner to turn to if you are considering a new website.


    In our 20 years of being in business we have been honoured to take on web design projects from a very wide variety of different clients. These include such spheres as in B2B, HealthTech, e-Commerce, retail, education, etc. We could go on.