10 Mac Apps/Utility tools to help with web design and development + windows
We all have our little gems that we use to save us time and minimise repetetive tasks in our day to day web design work. Below I will list some of the ones that save me time and effort and hope to start a dialogue because I have a feeling other people are sitting on links to good freeware that can help in the long run. I have skipped the obvious ones like filezilla, sublime etc. If you guys think I should list out all of them as well I...
Web designers in London
Why use web designers in London, well thanks to London itself being the number one choice city in the world to live and work in, if not THE best, the web design industry has flourished here. Our team of web designers in London who founded Active Webdezign fifteen years ago have all been able to evolve and grow with the company thanks somewhat to its location. When we opened our doors in 1999 web development especially eCommerce was quite a technical feat, so we were in the hands of old school software developers who we...
How to access Magento core inside a custom build
We have recently been working on a few Magento Ecommerce sites that either incorporate wordpress or a custom build using the Yii framework. If you, like us; have done custom builds like this you find yourself sometimes wanting to access Magento core functionality in your other pages. Using the below code you can easily access your Magento core 001002003004005006007008 <?php require_once('app/Mage.php'); // Path to Magento umask(0); Mage::app(); // Target a specific product by ID (7 in our case) $_product= Mage::getModel()->load(7); echo->getName(); Another quick example would be to access your Magento navigation inside your custom built project: 001002003004005006007008009010 <?php require_once('app/Mage.php'); // Path to Magento umask(0); Mage::app(); // Include Magento...
WordPress Web Design & Development
Find WordPress Web Design & Development Services at Active Webdezign, London. Our WordPress designs and WordPress Development are suitable for businesses, charities or individuals who care about their image and want to promote themselves effectively over the Internet. From our London Office, we can convert an existing website to a WordPress design, redesign a WordPress website or develop a new WordPress website. By using London-based Web Developers, you know we are local so you can visit us to discuss your requirements face-to-face. We Bring That London Sparkle London is known for its trendy fashion and Modern vs Traditional designs. As a London-based...
SSL Certificates Padlocks For Websites | London
SSL Certificates, ever noticed the padlock that appears when you’re logged into your Internet banking? It shows that the connection between you and the website is encrypted, meaning there’s less chance that anything sensitive you enter (personal details, passwords, etc) can be intercepted by hackers. Gone are the days when our high street in London was the most convenient way to buy all goods and services – eCommerce is great and it is here to stay. A Padlock For My Website An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate is a must have for...
Why We Use: WordPress
When looking for a new website, we recommend WordPress. But, I hear you ask: Why WordPress? Even our own site (that’s right, the one you’re on right now!) is a WordPress web design, developed right here in our London office. Why WordPress? 19% of websites are running WordPress, making WordPress the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on earth. WordPress is used across London and the world by organisations, ranging from giant multinationals to local hairdressers, including our clients and there’s plenty of reasons why. Add or Edit Content Yourself Good news – it’s not...