
This is a web design blog where we publish posts, articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.

The team at Active Webdezign is dedicated to provide useful, inspiring and innovative content that is free of charge and perhaps most importantly of all, easy to understand.

What started as an inexperienced blog became an exciting playground for sharing the passion for web design and web development with our customers and fellow web designers.

cookie New cookie laws un-realistic within grace period
The 25th of May marks what could be a major turning point of the internet’s privacy laws. This may change the way websites are developed forever. Since the birth of the internet and its fast pace in growth which has already taken the world by storm, and which still has a long way to go, the enforcement and control of privacy and online content continues to be a major issue. The new cookie laws state that we are to inform users when a website is placing cookies on their computer machines. These...
fonts 20 great free fonts, not the usual suspects
There is a myriad of great free fonts out there, we’ve all heard of League Gothic and Museo, but I wanted to list a few fonts that you may have missed. Wrinkly postits, old and new bookmarks transfered into one neat little post. I tried to only showcase one font from each resource so hopefully you will at the very least, by reading this post; find a few new places to browse for new fonts. Please note that some of these fonts are completely free to use for both commercial and personal projects...
top ten Top 10 Benefits of a Website
We are often contacted by people who have been told that they need a website, but they are not really sure as to why they should get one or what the benefits of a website would be. The following is necessarily generalised as each and every business and market sector has different requirements. However, it represents the most common 10 ways in which a business can potentially gain advantage as a result of having a website. 1 – Increase New Business If you needed a plumber or electrician you would...

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    There is no shortage of web design agencies in London, so why Active Webdezign Ltd? What can we bring to your web design project that we believe our competitors can’t match? The following are our pledges to you, and the reasons we believe that we make the ideal development partner to turn to if you are considering a new website.


    In our 20 years of being in business we have been honoured to take on web design projects from a very wide variety of different clients. These include such spheres as in B2B, HealthTech, e-Commerce, retail, education, etc. We could go on.