We are looking for a senior web developer in London
Senior web developer in London In-house Overview We are looking for a motivated senior web developer to join our team. You will be working in a small team where you will get the opportunity to contribute beyond the boundaries of your role. The company We are Active Webdezign, an award winning north London agency embedded into the beautiful surroundings of Woodside Park. We are a fun team of three (including you) highly motivated individuals that love coffee and get things done. We have a relaxed working atmosphere where every member’s opinion...
Round navigation with overlapping CSS3 animations
I had some time to kill on friday afternoon so I decided to try if I could make a round navigation that overlaps the neighbouring menu items. I remember seeing it done with z-index and transparent png’s in the past, but it wasn’t a solution we give clients in a content management system. Adding more z-indexes to new menu items would be far to complicated. Sure, we could probably add some server side code or even javascript to make a dynamic class, but I thought to myself surely there must...
Steve Jobs RIP
It has been a difficult year for all of us as it is, and to top it all up Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple Macintosh computers and our hero of tech has this week passed away. Even one of our newest top of the range iMacs died yesterday as if it was coming out in sympathy from the departing of its great creator. A recent email sent directly to Steve Jobs by myself was not replied to and had already raised my suspicions that there was something terribly wrong....
How to fix position:absolute disappearing in ie
If you’ve experienced this problem (position:absolute disappearing in ie) you are probably ready to pull your hair out. It is completely random, sometimes it disappears sometime it appears. It works in IE6 but not 7 then on another computer it works in 7 but not 8 and 6. So what is the problem? Have a look at this header: In this example what I wanted was a logo (1), a registration/checkout area (2), a navigation (3) and a search form (4). The HTML elements are coded in the order indicated...
Setting up an email account on your iPhone
If you have any problems to setup your email account on your iPhone or iPad, have a look at this article. Go to the settings (1) Choose Mail, Contacts, Calender (2) Choose Add Account (3) A configuration wizard is prepared for Microsoft Exchange, mobileMe, Google Mail, Yahoo! and Aol. If you have one of these providers, follow the instructions to configure your email account. If you have an other provider click on Other (4) Click on Add Mail Account (5) Insert your name, email address, your email password (6) Configure your Incoming Mail Server (7) and Outgoing Mail Server (8) You get the information from your...
Setting up an email account on your BlackBerry
The process of setting up an email account on your Blackberry is fairly easy. Firstly, navigate to “setup” on your home screen and click on it. The icon will be a picture of a Blackberry with a green cogwheel. This will take you to the set up screen. Click on “Email Accounts” and select “Internet Mail Account”. If you already have an email account set up, please select “Set up another email account”. If you have Yahoo, Gmail, Aol or Hotmail, then select the appropriate service and enter your email...